Author, Bright Lights Big Empty
Ron Baker is the founder of a School of Self-Mastery in NYC, as well as a Bioenergetics therapist, healer, speaker and author. Ron has had the opportunity to guide thousands of clients from around the world through a unique process of personal transformation over the last 25 years. Prior to shifting his career to the world of empowerment, Ron performed over 60 leading roles on opera stages and in Broadway shows — from most of the Puccini baritone roles to the title role in Phantom and Javert in Les Miserables. Ron has led 16 worldwide events from sacred sites like the Great Pyramid of Egypt and Machu Picchu, Peru—inspiring millions of people from around the world to join together. Ron has just released an Amazon #1 bestseller called Bright Lights, Big Empty: A Journey of Profound Awakening.

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